Who Owns SaaS Customer Revenue?

In the past, I’ve shared some perspective about whether Sales or Customer Success should own SaaS customer expansion and renewals, and the answer was a resounding, “it depends.”

“It depends” is one of my least favorite responses to a question. But in this case, it’s true. Ultimately both sales and customer success can be equally successful in owning revenue. It really comes down to picking an approach and executing it well.

If you are in the midst of wrestling with determining the right path forward, I created a quick reference guide that discusses considerations for each approach.

See the quick reference sheet.

An Overview of Revenue Ownership Models

Below you will find three models and how to successfully execute them. For more information, visit the reference sheet.

Which Model Works Best For You?

Below you’ll find an overview of when each model thrives. For a more detailed analysis, see the reference sheet.

What Do You Think About Customer Revenue Ownership?

The options for designing your sales & CS revenue ownership are pretty straightforward, but each approach is nuanced. I hope this guide is helpful, and I look forward to refining it over time. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and what I missed!


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